This is...

This is...

Thursday, October 01, 2009

Painting Project!

The kids are in school, so I have time for a project! Yes, the PTA keeps me busy, but not that busy!
I realized why I dont have pics of the 1st day of school - I was putting on the Tears and Cheers breakfast for the entering Kindergarten parents that morning. I also had to do the APPLES FOR THE TEACHERS... I felt a little overwhelmed. I did at least take the time to walk the kids to their classes, but I think I asked a friend to borrow her camera so I could take a picture... but I don't remember who I asked!

Anyways, now that the back to school rush is over, and my PTA obligations calmed down a bit...
I finally had time to tackle a BIG project...

I can't stand the Khaki trim that puts off a pink glow throughout my brown and orange floored house.
The house is large and intimidating. But, I am determined! I will paint the trim! I think after that, it will start to feel like MY home. Once the ugly pink khaki is gone, it will feel so much better in here! I started in Charity's bedroom and the Jack and Jill bathroom.

I think I know why painters wear pants.

This stuff is hard to get off.

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