Where I've Been
I have been watching my sister's kids - she just moved out here from out east - YAY!!!
adding her three to mine, that made 6 kids under 6 - WOW!!! i dont know how you moms out there with more than 3 do it!
I have also been in Utah. I escaped the craziness of the 6 kids to go snowboarding and also to go to my sis' baby blessing. It was so much fun! I got to see Lyd's new house (and her new baby!!), owen, little steph, dawn (and fam), aunt steph, sherri, and my cousin jen, more aunts and even my bro in law sam too!! Most importantly, i got to go snowboarding FINALLY!!! For those of you who know me well, you will know that i absolutely LOVE snowboarding - it seriously makes me SO HAPPYThe pic is of me. It snowed a LOT!!! So, we had the most wonderful snow and so much fun hitting the powder! I took little steph with me the first day, but she broke her tailbone. :( The second day I took owen. This run was so much fun! seriously, look at how fluffy that is!!!
ps, utah is absolutely beautiful. i miss the mountains.
Now, I am home.
did i tell you that I had so much fun???!!!!!
This first video is my bro owen doing a five. He was landing this all day, until i got my little phone's camera out... still, i think he is a stud. i keep thinking he is just this little 8 yr old punk... i guess he has grown up!!!
The second video is actually me doing a 3!!! I rented a helmet, so I actually wasnt scared. actually, i used to do these all the time (before marriage) but that was when i was willing to sacrifice my body for fun... one season in particular i had 3 concussions and pulled out my shoulder! now that i am a mom, i am not so willing to do that to myself. somehow, with a helmet, i forgot all of that... i didnt land this one perfectly, but, i must say i was pretty proud of myself!
you rock.
I didnt know you were that good! I remember the days that me you and Becky went! We werent that good!! ha! Glad you had fun!!
We were wondering where you've been. Wow, you've got a lot of family living by you now. So jealous!
Look great emo! You motivate me to learn snowboarding someday. I just need to figure out when that someday is.
You are such a shredder! It was so fun to see you. Can't wait for your next trip. Have you played with your actions yet???
I am in awe! you are the most talented person i know!
I've been wondering where you've been! I loved snowboarding in my younger years, but I can only imagine what I would look like out there now!
P.S. Is your whole family moving here? Have I mentioned I'm jealous. =(
Does not suprise me one bit that you can tear it up! You have always been so fearless, give me some of that.
I love all of the pictures from Utah, on your Aunts blog, you guys are dolls!
Emily, do you ever age at all? You look great! Just like you did our Sophmore year. Go Toros!!!!
Jealous.You rock dude!I miss going snowboarding.We went all the time when I lived in Utah.I wish that I could go snowboarding more than I do.I miss Lydia.I have had the hardest time getting up there!
wow, you're awesome! I would break every bone in my body if I tried snow boarding! :0 It hurts just thinking about it!!!! Glad you've been out having a great time!
THat was awesome EM and OWEN It was good to see you guys.
Can't wait till we can hook up again.
You go girl. I love that all your family is moving to you! There really is nothing like having them close. And, you really are so talented!!
Looks like you had tons of fun! I wish I could go to Utah. Glad you are back.
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