This is...

This is...

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Man Jaw

My jaw began popping shortly after Joe & I got married (8 yrs ago). I always felt like my bite was wrong - like it didn't know where to go. My jaw was ALWAYS tired and sore. I couldn't hold my mouth open without my jaw locking and cramping. I couldn't bite into hamburgers. FINALLY, I decided to go see an orthodontist and see if it wasn't just a problem with my bite. (Thanks Dave F. for the idea). I went to a HIGHLY recommended orthodontist here, and my appointment went like this:

He looked at my teeth and how they allign; he did x-rays; he talked to me and heard my complaints. All these things in my mind pointed to TMJ. I sat in the chair and he felt my jaw and looked at me when I bit down. What did BOTH Dr. Collins and his assistant say? "Your jaws are like Arnold Schwartzenager's! The muscles in there are so PUMPED". The final diagnosis? In my own words: Man Jaw. So, I have since been fitted with this masterpiece, and hopefully this will fix (or at least help me relax) my Man Jaw issues.
Don't mind the orange paint on my nose, Charity and I did an art project before we (like any good WT family) went to McDonalds for dinner ;)


Katie said...

Arnold, huh? I have serious jaw problems too..I wonder what they'd say to me. You are so pretty..even with orange paint on your nose! I wish my skin was that nice!

Jennifer said...

You are beautiful! Arnold doesn't stand a chance next to your face!! Did you tell those Ortho dudes "It's not a tumor." We have old video somewhere of Owen and the rest of us cousin doing Arnold impersonations. I'll see if I get dig that up for a blog post one of these days.

Chad & Dawn Howey said...

emo... I cracked up when you first told me about the MAN JAW problem... I hope the retainer thing fixes it...

Lydia said...

the only way I could see the orange paint on your nose was to make the picture all huge. anywho, i think you're the perfect candidate for "man jaw" it just makes me laugh...but that's what you get for eating leather chairs when you were little... love ya

Shane Meredith Mason and Kendall said...

ha! you are too funny. Can you wear that to the reunion?!! :)

Amy Pennington said...

At least "it'ts not a twomah" haha Arnold! Love the wt comment..we ate high society at chickfila:)

Courtney said...

Good grief! I could never in a million years post that close of a picture of myself! You are gorgeous Em! Man Jaw?! Whatever! It is better than my double chin that comes when I put on weight! Yuck!

Valerie said...

We were destined to be friends...Man Jaw meet Man Hands. Let me know how the piece works. I have wondered if I have problems with my jaw as well.

Leslie said...

that is hilarious. i think you're gorgeous anyway. maybe it's from clenching at night cuz of all those extra piano students. :) but hopefully your new "appliance" will help you relax and not be in pain!!

Leisha Mareth said...

So is the cause just clenching your jaw too hard/too much? Yikes! I hope that thingamabobby works! I mean, dude, not being able to bite into a hamburger?! That would have sent me to an ortho. YEARS ago, LoL.

Meredith said...

You're hilarious! :) My jaw is REALLY bad too, but due to my joint problems, and I do have TMJ issues. Let me know how your brace works, I need a new one....I just wear mine at night, it's definitely a turn-on! :) Thanks again for doing that violin music, you're awesome!

bubblegumandlipgloss said...

that's funny! nothing worse than jaw problems though...well, maybe some things, but it is pretty annoying.

Katie said...

Ellie just saw this picture and said, "OOO, she's cuuute!"

tara said...

I hope that helps... you have a very pretty face, and your eyes and lashes are gorgeous. seriously.

Kristen said...

Oh my goodness...
First, I'm reading your blog like a stalker...
But I had to see how Emily Allen was doing. Now that I see you have a Man Jaw... I'm laughing and remembering how funny you used to be back in good ol' NP.
Glad to see that you and your beautiful family are doing so well! Good luck with the jaw!!! LOL!
Kristen (Pazdera) Dwyer

Marvin Will said...

Arnold S' "man jaw" then should be "manly jaw." Did the dentist find out something like, you've got a misaligned bite (overbite, underbite, etc.?) What did he actually put there? TMJ is quite the hassle, isn't it?