Weekend Project
So, almost 2.5 years ago, my front landscaping looked like this: Exhibit A and B (little Holly bushes) grew to be quite large... and so did my mini rose bushes. Anyways, I hated that whenever anyone came to my house, and there was a car in my driveway they would have to jump over those bushes or duck and squeeze by their side-view mirror. So, Saturday, I spent the WHOLE day out front weeding and working towards a solution: (Joe took the kids bowling)
That is how big my mini-rose bushes got... so i pulled up the holly bushes and donated them to my girlfriend. (i also spent FOREVER digging that darned grass out from around the rocks and bench area and re-leveling the flagstones etc...) But, below, you see my AWESOME solution to the side-view mirror problem. I drove by this building supply place that sold stone and lots of other stuff... I asked how much a few of those stones would be - he said if I wasnt going to get a bunch (like the builders usually get) it wasnt worth the paper to write the invoice on, so, I got them for FREE!!! :) I dug up the HUGE holly bush (as big as the area from the rose bush almost to the driveway), and another little boxwood bush. Keep in mind that Joe was hangin w/the kiddos, so I had to dig and pull and pry this HUGE (seriously, like 150 lbs) bush out ALL BY MYSELF.
Now, all I have to do is put river rock (maybe?) in that area i painted over - all that grows there right now is clovers... and I am SO sick of weeding! By Saturday afternoon, after working out there for several hours in the heat, my back was SO sunburned (maybe i shouldnt have worn my bikini top ALL day) and my hands and forearms HURT to the point of NUMBNESS (it doesnt help that we went to a rock climbing gym on our date the night before) and my back was SOOOO sore (and still is)... so, the rest can wait till I muster up some more motivation - or at least till there isnt a football game I really need to watch ;)
Anyways, it is raining today, and when I went out to take the picture, it took Nate all of 2 seconds to find and start splashing in the water washing down the street. What a nut.
Go girl! That is awesome. The yard looks fantastic and you did it all by yourself! You are sooo buff. How cool is it that you guys went rock climbing for you date. I love fun stuff like that.
Emo... the yard looks great... I seriously would have just NAGGED chad to do it.. and yes it would have taken like 8 years... (hello look at my backyard...) Your amazing!!!
good work em! looks great. i sometimes hate yards, they are so much work. but when they are pretty, they are so worth it! good to see a girl who can work hard in the yard.
Wow, how impressive. I love your house and yard. Ah man, sometimes I wonder if it wouldn't be nicer to live here in Texas forever just to be able to afford a nice home!
Okay, I'm slightly more motivated to deal with my landscaping issues....but only slightly. It looks great!
Looks great! Want to come and work on my front bed - Dan is just letting it grow over with weeds and I refuse to help him, he can just keep paying the fines.
I finally have you bookmarked - so now I will read and comment more often (I guess that would be more than twice)
Your house is so beautiful!
WOW!!!! You have got the talent girl. I never touch our yard, Its my husband passion. Whenever I am brave enough to go and do something involving our yard I sure know who to call. Love the house! Nate is so cute!!!
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