Ode To College
It might be because an old college chum connected with me on facebook.
It might be because I had to dig through a box of pictures this morning trying to find a baby pic of Aaron so he could take it to school.
Whatever it was, I went for a stroll down memory lane today, and it was a lot of fun.
Before I got married, I was livin it up at BYU.
I had a lot of holes in my ears.
Karla was my best friend. She was a rare find - the perfect girlfriend who didn't require the daily phone call. We knew we were friends, but our friendship was not high maintenance. We were crazy together. We did lots of stupid things together... we got in lots of trouble together. When I think of life at BYU, I think of her. I think of the Aspire. I think of fireworks, toilet seats, running around, dancing, talking, laughing, and crying. She made my college experience one I could look back and smile upon.I went camping a LOT. The "Mesa Boys" were always up for an adventure, and we could sure find them! We jumped from cliffs, we swam in reservoirs, we sang songs, and did so many fun things together! I can't help smiling just thinking about those fun times. Some adventures didn't happen while camping; some came while running around on and off campus. We did some silly stuff... (but I cant actually put it on the internet).
Was it here that we woke up to a park ranger saying we cant sleep in a picnic area?
We lived on granola bars.
We got free t-shirts ;)
It was such a short chapter in my life, but my college experience made me who I am today. It was then that I decided who I wanted to be, and what I wanted out of life. I am so grateful for the friends I had there, and the experiences we shared.
Somewhere, in the same town, a boy named Joe was having his own experiences. He, of course, was dating all the wrong women - until he met me. I haven't gotten all his stories out of him yet. I think it was because they weren't nearly as exciting as mine. ;)
The Y on the mountain always stared at me (freshman year, I even wrote a song about it). Y were you there? As I graduated, I could finally answer the question.
College was a great time. Although, Ricks was much better than BYU. As testimony I give you the words of Elder Packer in a devotional he gave us up at Ricks, "Ricks is what BYU once was and wants to be". BYWoo was fun as well. Memory lane is a fun place to be.
what funny memories! you were one wild and crazy girl!! Can't wait to see you and the sista's soon!
That was fun to read. You definitely left out some . . . . incidents. I believer there was something about lighting a street on fire and something on a golf course . . .
I'll just let that go.
Sounds like a lot of fun memories! I went to BYU last week and got some sweatshirts and stuff. I wish that i had gone there. It seems like a lot of fun!
Good to see that Emily finally turned 10 while at byu. Next stop: 15 years old - learners permit here I come!!!
Oh Emily... I should kill you for posting that picture of me. But I will forgive you because I laughed the entire way through this post (while talking to you on the phone). Good times... love you!
Your so cute! You really do look like your ten. Oh, the life...before we grew up and had kids:)
I love this post... is that us at Hotel Roberts in Provo? I think I applied for a job there and got too scared to take it since it's actually where Provo houses its single male homeless population...
We did have a great time in college. Who would have thought we'd ever grow up? Brent walked into the kitchen the other day and I was putting pureed green beans in the ice tray. He just started laughing and said that when he met me, that was the last thing he would have pictured me ever doing on a Friday night.
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